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Survivor Narratives

  • John C. Anderson

    When the lawn at Saint Edward in Chillicothe needed to be mowed, Father John Anderson knew just whom to ask—the altar servers. But for at least two young children, an innocent request to do ...

  • John Beatty

    “They’re not practicing Catholics, they’re practicing predators.” This is how “Marco” describes Father John Beatty and other abusers in the Catholic church. In ...

  • Gary D. Berthiaume

    One might have thought that Father Gary Berthiaume would have run out of second chances by the time he arrived in the Diocese of Joliet in 1988 as a disgraced priest. A decade earlier, while he was...

  • Robert Boley

    “Shanice” is good at math. She had to be. If she made a mistake, her teacher, Father Robert Boley, would tell her she couldn’t go out to recess—she had to stay in the ...

  • Daniel Peter Buck

    Sending a love letter is an age-old method of showing affection. But when the author is a Catholic priest and the recipient is a teenage girl, the tradition takes a sickening turn. Father Daniel ...

  • John Burke

    Father John Burke abused at least eight children and covered up sexual abuse by another cleric during the 30-plus years he ministered in the Diocese of Joliet. Yet he suffered not the slightest ...

  • Alvin L. Campbell

    Bishop Joseph McNicholas was warned about Father Alvin Campbell. Even so, he allowed Campbell to enter the Diocese of Springfield and minister at multiple parishes over a course of years, sexually ...

  • Mark A. Campobello

    Father Mark Campobello pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two teenage girls in 1999 and 2000. He was sentenced to eight years in prison for his crimes. In both instances, he took advantage of his ...

  • Michael Joseph Charland

    The Oblates of Mary Immaculate were impressed by the young man who arrived in Godfrey in the summer of 1965 to spend a year in training as a prospective member. Michael Charland is “[a] man ...

  • Harlan B. Clapsaddle

    Around the same time he was ordained in 1977, Father Harlan Clapsaddle began to sexually abuse three brothers he met at Saint James in Rockford, where he had been assigned as a deacon. The abuse ...

  • Thomas Considine

    Father Thomas Considine was a serial abuser who preyed on young boys in vulnerable circumstances. He exploited his position as a teacher and family friend to gain access to children from struggling...

  • Arno Dennerlein

    Like many survivors of clergy abuse, “Carl” kept it secret for years; he only felt comfortable reporting it upon learning of the Attorney General’s investigation. Carl was close ...

  • Dominic Aloysius Diederich

    “Why do the interests of dead priests take precedence over live victims?” This was the question posed in 2006 by a woman who had contacted the Archdiocese of Chicago about abuse ...

  • Lawrence Dudink

    Few records remain of Father Lawrence Dudink, a member of the Society of the Divine Word religious order. But those in existence show he was convicted of abducting a child. They also show that upon...

  • Theodore Feely

    There were a lot of secrets between “Kevin” and Father Theodore Feely, a religious order priest assigned to the Diocese of Rockford. It started with swearing—a sin, taking God&...

  • Salvatore Formusa

    Father Salvatore Formusa served within the Archdiocese of Chicago at the beginning of his career and abused children while serving in the Diocese of Joliet later in his career. Today, the Diocese ...

  • Norman D. Goodman

    The title of “monsignor” is reserved for clergy who have distinguished themselves by exceptional service to the church. The title is bestowed directly by the pope upon recommendation by...

  • James Craig Hagan

    To most, Father James Hagan “was the cool addition to the church,” the “pastor that changed the tide . . . he was beloved by everyone.” But a darker truth lurked behind this...

  • George H. Hiland

    “Peter” recalls his mother and grandmother loved that Father George Hiland took an interest in him. “‘Aren’t we going to get him something for Christmas?’ my ...

  • James Allen Hoder

    The Archdiocese of Chicago thought it had Father James Hoder under control. After it learned he had sexually abused a child, an archdiocesan official simply told Hoder to “avoid unsupervised ...

  • Daniel Mark Holihan

    The Archdiocese of Chicago had more than one chance to stop Father Daniel Holihan from sexually abusing young boys. Holihan was an active pastor in several Chicago parishes until 1990 and is now ...

  • Walter Edward Huppenbauer

    Father Walter Huppenbauer committed multiple acts of child sex abuse against multiple survivors. However, when one came forward in the early 1990s to share what happened to her, the Archdiocese of ...

  • James M. Janssen

    Father James Janssen is an example of the coordinated efforts by church officials to shuffle around priests who they know have sexually abused children. Janssen was ordained a priest in 1948 in the...

  • Mark Jendrysik

    In the summer of 1981, 13 year old “Christina” was an active member of the youth group at Visitation, the Diocese of Joliet’s parish in Elmhurst. She enjoyed youth group meetings ...

  • Thomas Job

    There is one constant in Father Thomas Job’s lengthy priesthood in the Archdiocese of Chicago—his sexual abuse of teenage boys. He started when he was a deacon still completing his ...

  • William I. Joffe

    Father William Joffe made headlines for all the wrong reasons. In October 1991, he pleaded guilty in a Wisconsin federal court to two counts of bank fraud and one count of interstate transportation...

  • Robert Louis Kealy

    Father Robert Kealy was an accomplished priest whose many pastoral and academic achievements allowed him to rise quickly in the ranks of the Archdiocese of Chicago—and become intimately ...

  • Thomas Francis Kelly

    Three survivors of sexual abuse by Father Thomas Kelly contacted the Attorney General’s investigators to share their eerily similar experiences. Kelly was a serial predator who abused more ...

  • Joseph Patrick Kissane

    After Father Joseph Kissane confessed in graphic detail to sexually abusing three children, the Archdiocese of Chicago sat on its hands for six months. Even then, the archdiocese’s solution ...

  • George W. Klein

    The Archdiocese of Chicago posts a public list comprising dozens of clerics it has determined are credibly accused of sexually abusing a child. But Father George Klein’s name does not appear ...

  • Peter D. Kohler

    “Something wasn’t making sense,” “David” thought to himself. Then the repressed memories started to come. Those memories included a night at church in 1999, when David...

  • William Harbert and M. Duane Leclercq

    “Nathan” knew the nightmares would come. “Every time I have to tell my story,” he says, “I don’t sleep well for several nights. I just feel so much shame and ...

  • Joseph Marcel Lessard

    Father Joseph Lessard arrived in the Diocese of Rockford in 1987. The letter from the Diocese of Phoenix introducing him said nothing about the reason he could no longer stay in Arizona—a ...

  • William R. Leyhane

    Now a psychologist and an ordained Catholic deacon in the Diocese of Joliet, Terry Neary (who permitted his real name to be used), is a survivor of child sex abuse committed by a Catholic priest, ...

  • William L. Lupo

    Father William Lupo manipulated and sexually abused girls and young women during the 1970s and 1980s across parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago. He exploited his status as a spiritual guide, and...

  • Robert E. Mayer

    To say that the Archdiocese of Chicago received a significant number of allegations over the years concerning Father Robert Mayer sexually abusing children would be an understatement. Perhaps the ...

  • Vincent McCaffrey

    Father Vincent McCaffrey warned at least one of the children he was sexually abusing to keep it a secret. Those threats worked; the survivor remained silent for years. But when he summoned the ...

  • Daniel J. McCormack

    Father Daniel McCormack is one of the most infamous child abusers anywhere in Illinois. For years, he preyed on young, vulnerable boys in Black parishes on the West Side of Chicago. What separates ...

  • Thomas Joseph Mohan

    “They had a chance to make things right, but they did everything wrong.” That’s how Tom Emens, who asked that his real name be used, summarizes the Archdiocese of Chicago’s ...

  • Arthur W. Niemeyer

    “I want the whole world to know what he did to me.” That’s what “Luke” told the Attorney General’s investigators about Father Arthur Niemeyer, who sexually ...

  • Joseph C. O’Brien

    Father Joseph O’Brien was a master in grooming children. He was a charismatic priest with, rumor had it, friends in high places at the Diocese of Springfield. Unlike others in the church, O&...

  • Carlos Peralta

    Father Carlos Peralta, an order priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco, arrived in the Archdiocese of Chicago from Peru in 1998 to minister to the expanding Spanish-speaking community of Saint John ...

  • Aloysius Piorkowski

    What does it mean when a priest is said to be suffering “some rather serious difficulties”? No one doubts this was an apt, if cryptic, description of Father Aloysius Piorkowski in the ...

  • Samuel D. Pusateri

    Father Samuel Pusateri is an example of a pedophile priest whom the Diocese of Peoria long ignored. A member of the Order of Saint Benedict, he pleaded guilty in 1991 to criminal sexual assault of ...

  • James F. Rapp

    After leaving the Diocese of Joliet, Father James Rapp, a member of the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales religious order, was convicted of sexually abusing children in Michigan and Oklahoma. But ...

  • Jerome B. Ratermann

    “It’s our little secret,” Father Jerome Ratermann told his young victim. “But it’s okay because I’m your priest.” “Daniel” reached out to the ...

  • Kenneth J. Roberts

    Not just any priest puts pen to paper to create a book chronicling what led him to the priesthood. But Father Ken Roberts was not just any priest. He wrote about his transition from a jet-setting ...

  • Louis P. Rogge

    At least two children were sexually abused in the Diocese of Joliet because Bishop Joseph Imesch opened the church’s doors to a convicted abuser—a member of the Carmelite religious ...

  • Daniel L. Ryan

    Bishop Daniel Ryan was an important man. As the head of the Diocese of Springfield from 1984 to 1999, he was charged with governing tens of thousands of Catholics in central Illinois—counting...

  • Jeffrey Salwach

    In 2003, “Brandon” reported to the Franciscan Friars religious order that Father Jeffrey Salwach and another priest sexually abused him as a child. The abuse occurred at Saint Jude in ...

  • Louis C. Shea

    Father Louis Shea sexually abused children while he ministered within the Diocese of Springfield. That much came through when the Attorney General’s investigators analyzed the scant file the ...

  • Raymond Francis Skriba

    “As I indicated in our pleasant conversation, I feel that this whole matter should be forgotten by you as it has been forgotten by me. No good can come of trying to prove or disprove the ...

  • Francis Skube

    Father Francis Skube arrived in the Diocese of Belleville sometime in the late 1950s or early 1960s. He sold himself as the cofounder and superior of a religious order called Franciscan Brothers of...

  • John Slown

    The Diocese of Joliet’s handling of Father John Slown is the archetypal cover up of child sex abuse in the Catholic church. The diocese learned on at least six occasions that Slown had ...

  • Victor E. Stewart

    Father Victor Stewart had a turbulent priesthood. Shortly after he was ordained, a young boy moved into his rectory on the South Side of Chicago and lived there for several years with the knowledge...

  • Ralph S. Strand

    “Matthew,” a survivor of Father Ralph Strand, reached out to the Attorney General’s investigators to help shine a light on the issue of clergy child sex abuse. After years of ...

  • Anthony Joseph Vader

    The Archdiocese of Chicago’s records show it first received an allegation of child sex abuse against Father Anthony Vader in late 2002. As it turned out, Vader was a serial predator. Multiple...

  • Robert J. Vonnahmen

    Documents the Diocese of Belleville produced to the Attorney General’s investigators reveal Father Robert Vonnahmen sexually abused as many as 23 children while ministering there between 1956...

  • Walter M. Weerts

    Shortly after opening the clergy abuse hotline, the Attorney General’s investigators became familiar with the name of Father Walter Weerts. The three survivors who reached out all had similar...

  • William C. Wert

    Even after Father William Wert was convicted of assaulting a 14 year old boy, his Carmelite religious order let him move to the group’s retirement home. And while he was there, Wert was ...

  • Frank D. Westhoff

    “My priesthood,” Father Frank Westhoff wrote the Diocese of Springfield in October 2002, “has been characterized by a consistent concern for the marginalized, the disenfranchised,...

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Scroll of Abusive Clerics/Brothers



Terms are defined as provided in the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Glossary of Catholic Terms, unless denoted with *.

Altar server
Individuals, usually children, who assist clerics during liturgical functions such as mass. Prior to 1994, only men and boys were permitted to be altar servers.*
The title given automatically to bishops who govern archdioceses. It is also given to certain other high-ranking church officials.
The chief diocese of an ecclesiastical province. It is governed by an archbishop.
Auxiliary Bishop
A bishop assigned to a Catholic diocese or archdiocese to assist its residential bishop.
The highest order of ordained ministry in the Catholic Church. The chief priests in their respective dioceses. Bishops are responsible for the pastoral care of their dioceses. All bishops have a responsibility to act in council with other bishops to guide the church.
A man who has taken vows in a religious order but is not ordained or studying for the priesthood. Sometimes he is called a lay brother to distinguish him from ordained members of religious orders.
Canon Law

A code of ecclesiastical laws governing the Catholic Church.

Highest-ranking Catholic clergy below the pope. Cardinals are regarded as the pope's closest advisors. Most cardinals are archbishops.
The chief archivist of a diocese's official records. Also a notary and secretary of the diocese’s central administration.
Clergy is a collective term referring to all those ordained—bishops, priests, and deacons—who administer the rites of the church. A cleric is an individual member of the clergy. Only men are permitted to join the clergy.
Confession or Reconciliation
The Catholic sacrament in which one makes a voluntary self-accusation of sins to a qualified priest in private in order to obtain absolution. The priest provides the confessor, also known as the penitent, with a penance to atone for sins committed. A priest who hears confession is forbidden from disclosing the contents of a confession to others under what is called the seal of confession.*
The personnel and offices through which (1) the pope administers the affairs of the universal church (the Roman Curia), or (2) a bishop administers the affairs of a diocese (the diocesan curia). The principal officials of a diocesan curia are the vicar general, the chancellor, officials of the diocesan tribunal or court, examiners, consultors, auditors, and notaries.
Dallas Charter
The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People sets forth policies for each United States archdiocese and diocese to adopt as part of an effort to address allegations of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy. The Charter was formulated at the 2002 meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Dallas, Texas. The Charter was revised in 2005, 2011, and 2018.
One of three groups that comprise the clergy, meaning those ordained for ministry. Only men are permitted to become deacons. Deacons preparing for the priesthood are transitional deacons. Those not planning to be ordained priests are called permanent deacons. Married men may be ordained permanent deacons, but only unmarried men committed to lifelong celibacy can be ordained deacons if they are planning to become priests.
Diocesan Priest
Priests under the direction of their local bishop. Most serve in the parishes of the diocese, but they may also be assigned to other diocesan ministries or released for service outside the diocese.
A territorial division of the Church headed by a bishop.
Extern Priest
A priest with faculties to minister in a diocese or archdiocese who was not ordained in that diocese or archdiocese. For example, a diocesan priest from the Diocese of Springfield who has been granted faculties to minister by the Archdiocese of Chicago is an extern priest.*
Church authorization, given by the law itself or by a Church superior, to perform certain official acts.
Members of the Catholic Church. Derived from Catholic teachings that clergy are like shepherds guiding a flock.*
Laicize or Defrock
The process by which a priest is returned to the lay state. It is sometimes used as a penalty for a serious crime, but also can come at the request of the priest. A laicized priest is barred from all priestly ministry with one exception: He may give absolution to someone in immediate danger of death. The pope must approve all requests for laicization. When a priest is laicized without his consent for a crime, such as committing child sexual abuse, it is sometimes called defrocking.
Any activity conducive to the salvation of souls. It can include ordained ministry such as liturgical leadership and administration of the sacraments, or lay ministry such as instructing children in the faith, serving the poor, visiting the sick, or being an altar server, reader, or music leader at mass.
An honorary ecclesiastical title granted by the pope to some diocesan priests.
A member of a religious order of women who has taken solemn or simple vows.
Ordination is the sacramental ceremony in which a man becomes a deacon, priest, or bishop. A cleric who has undergone ordination is known as ordained.*
A specific community within a diocese with its own church building and under the authority of a pastor who is responsible for providing ministerial service. Most parishes are formed on a geographic basis, but they may be formed along national or ethnic lines.
A priest in charge of a Catholic parish or congregation.
Acts performed to atone for committed sins, as directed by a priest in the Catholic sacrament of reconcilliation.*
Residential housing for clergy provided by the Church. A rectory can also contain administrative offices for a parish.*
Religious Cleric
Professed member of a religious order or institute. Religious clergy live according to the rule of their respective orders.
Religious Order or Order
An institution of men or women, at least some of whose members take solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and whose male members are sometimes ordained.*
An educational institution for men preparing for the priesthood.
A cleric who acts in the name of another cleric.*
Vicar general
A priest, auxiliary bishop, or coadjutor bishop who assists the diocesan bishop in the governance of the diocese.
Victims Assistance Coordinator

A diocesan employee who has been designated to coordinate assistance to survivors of sex abuse by clerics.*